Mind Map
In today's lesson i created 3 mind maps for all the ideas i came up with that i thought i would like to do for this project. So far i am just exploring all the areas and concepts that i find interesting and most enjoyable to create.
In today's lesson i created all of my mood boards that i put down in all 3 of my mind maps. This is different to last lesson because in today's lesson i was just looking for reference images, whereas in last lesson, i was looking for ideas for my mind map and i was just writing them down.
Snow White
In this transformation scene the evil witch starts to breathe heavily and drops the glass she was holding. Once the glass is dropped the screen becomes blurry and starts spinning, It creates a tornado like affect around the character. They also use bubbles so they must use special fx to make the scene more dynamic. Her hair changes colour and the camera focuses of her face, the angle then switches to just her hands and her hands being to grow longer with warts on them. The scene then decided to use shadows to the show the transformation instead. The camera pans back to the old hag who is covering most of her face, this creates suspense for when she reveals her face because we dont know what we are going to see.
In this scene we see the full view of the man in the tube with his monitor beeping rapidly since he has 0 oxygen in this tube. His legs and feet start shaking and the camera decides to focus on his feet and they become mutated/ scarred. The camera then switches to the legs and pans up them following the movement of the scarring that is occurring up his leg. The camera repeatedly does this with the arm arm, hands and chest. Once the scarring starts occurring on the face, the camera to act as if it turned around and then you are able to the the reflection of the guy fully mutated.
In this transformation scene, the camera zooms in on the babies face slowly which makes it seem kind of dramatic and repeatedly threw this scene, they show the woman's reaction every time there is a change. After the woman's reaction is show it goes back to the baby who is now a toddler and its limbs, such as his legs, are stretching. After the woman's reaction is shown again the toddler is now a child and is sitting up. It then jump cuts to the woman's reaction shown again, but the child is still in the frame slightly. The kid is shown again and he is seen with his head stretching out with his neck and face the same width and then his face starts stretching out like normal. Afterwards the child then turns into and adult but his back is turned and he is standing up. After standing for a while he turns around showing his face fully transformed. Throughout this whole transformation the man always has a straight face.
Being human
In this transformation scene, the camera starts from high up of scenery to down low of the man standing naked, This then switches to a close up of the mans face. All of a sudden the mans neck jolts/cracks, which causes his to fall to the floor. The camera the switches to a clip of the moon with clouds moving away from it. The camera then focuses back on the man whose whole body is shaking with his head shaking side to side aswell in a rapid/jolting movement. The camera focuses solely on the mans back as his spine pops out in a flowing line upwards. The camera then goes back and forth with the camera angle going from the left to the right side with the same action continuing and repeating. Finally the camera cuts to black and then pans back at daytime to the man now in human form lying on the ground.
The amazing spider-man 2
In this transformation scene, The man shows he's in pain by his neck twitching and veins growing up his neck to his face. He then falls to his knees and he beings ripping his clothes off. The camera begins to circle around him whilst its also looking down on him slightly. Whilst the camera is circling, you can see the veins growing around his body. The lights begin to flash with makes it look very dramatic and jumpy, like there in danger. The rapid camera angles focus on areas such as the face, back and veins. For the back, the back begins to flow like jelly.
Skull and bones
In today's lesson i have created 3 silhouettes and they are all from different ideas on the mind map. I used a lot of reference images to create artist interpretations that related to the vision i was trying to create. I created all of these in Photoshop and i used different tools such as the warp tool to create the eye that is hanging out of the eye socket as it helped me to make it look realistic looking. This was different to last lesson because in today's lesson i did more practical work, whereas in last lesson i was just looking for reference images for my mood board's.
In today's i carried on creating my silhouettes. For the last two silhouettes they are from primary resources that i have taken. The second one is an image of the back of my eye that has been pasted multiple times to create some sort of monster and the last one is an image i took of a road near my house and i thought it would look good in a post apocalyptic situation. Today's lesson was very similar to last lessons.
FMP References
Here is where i find most of my reference images and this link will take you to a page of reference images that i have found and have been using for inspiration and for artist interpretations.
In today's lesson i am still creating my silhouettes. and i used a lot more shading in this lesson to create a rough sketch of depth. Today's lesson was again similar to last lesson.
This silhouette inspired my final project because i like the process of the transformation that this silhouette was preforming in my imagination as its full of tension and suspense. Transformation inspires me because i like the physical and the biological changes the person goes through.
In today's lesson i created 9 silhouettes for the theme of transformation as it is something that has spiked my interest. most of my silhouettes are artist interpretations from scenes in movies. Today's lesson was similar to last lesson but i was able to create a lot more silhouettes than usual today.
In today's lesson i created the 10th silhouette for the theme transformation. This lesson was similar to last lesson. However i wasn't able to get as much work done today.
Graphic Novel style painting research
One Pixel Brush is a company that works with top names in the industry and small independent developers to produce concept work for them. The brushes they provide for the The work they complete are the Shad brush set, Shad brush breakdown and Jamie Jones brush set.
For my research i decided to analyse a game that is in the style of Graphic novel. The game is called Oxenfree.
This piece has dark contour lines around the character (outline). Full opacity is used for flat colour and for the outline. The low opacity is used to add shading /lighting.This piece is also full of monochromatic colours with pops of accent colour so the focal point is able to stand out. The dominant forms and subdominant forms are very monochromatic with very slight accents.
The character is also in a dynamic pose which is typical for Graphic art styled work. This piece of work looks like a harsh edged brush is used or a number 11 brush.
In today's lesson i decided to do some experiments on what i would like the head of my creature to look like. I did a different range of ideas, ranging from the skulls of humans to the skull of an elk. Whilst doing these experiments, i decided on using the first silhouette as what the creature would look like in the end of its development into the wendigo and i would use the silhouette next too it for what my character my character would look like in the middle of its development into the wendigo.
Formative Feedback
Transformation research
An American werewolf in London
In the transformation scene for this movie, the man shows hes in pain by falling to the floor and shaking whilst ripping his clothes off and sweating. The camera always focuses on one body part (Hand growing) whilst other parts change, such as hair on his back and arms.The camera focus changes quite rapidly after showing a snippet of each of his changes. There is one moment where he stares intensely into the camera. I also noticed that as he is transforming into a werewolf, he rolls over a lot and his legs become jittery. There is one moment in this section where the camera shifts its focus to a figurine for a while before focusing back on the werewolf transforming again.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The Transformation begins with the view from a mirror. As Jekyll drinks some sort of liquid, he starts holding onto his throat and slowly his face starts to change. Still in the first person view, Dr Jekyll lunges forward. This causes the camera to start spinning for a while and it keeps getting faster and faster. It then goes back into first person view and the camera is looking for the mirror. The camera starts panning/ moving towards the mirror and then in the reflection it shows Mr Hyde fully transformed. In another version, Dr Jekyll again hold onto his throat as if he was choking. The camera angle then changes to his right hand and his hand starts changing slightly. The camera changes back to face and his face has fully transformed. The camera also changes to his Left hand which also starts to transform. Once it switches back to the face you can see the teeth have become disfigured and Mr Hyde is very jittery and blinks a lot.
Snow White
In this transformation scene the evil witch starts to breathe heavily and drops the glass she was holding. Once the glass is dropped the screen becomes blurry and starts spinning, It creates a tornado like affect around the character. They also use bubbles so they must use special fx to make the scene more dynamic. Her hair changes colour and the camera focuses of her face, the angle then switches to just her hands and her hands being to grow longer with warts on them. The scene then decided to use shadows to the show the transformation instead. The camera pans back to the old hag who is covering most of her face, this creates suspense for when she reveals her face because we dont know what we are going to see.
In this scene we see the full view of the man in the tube with his monitor beeping rapidly since he has 0 oxygen in this tube. His legs and feet start shaking and the camera decides to focus on his feet and they become mutated/ scarred. The camera then switches to the legs and pans up them following the movement of the scarring that is occurring up his leg. The camera repeatedly does this with the arm arm, hands and chest. Once the scarring starts occurring on the face, the camera to act as if it turned around and then you are able to the the reflection of the guy fully mutated.
In this transformation scene, the camera zooms in on the babies face slowly which makes it seem kind of dramatic and repeatedly threw this scene, they show the woman's reaction every time there is a change. After the woman's reaction is show it goes back to the baby who is now a toddler and its limbs, such as his legs, are stretching. After the woman's reaction is shown again the toddler is now a child and is sitting up. It then jump cuts to the woman's reaction shown again, but the child is still in the frame slightly. The kid is shown again and he is seen with his head stretching out with his neck and face the same width and then his face starts stretching out like normal. Afterwards the child then turns into and adult but his back is turned and he is standing up. After standing for a while he turns around showing his face fully transformed. Throughout this whole transformation the man always has a straight face.
Being human
In this transformation scene, the camera starts from high up of scenery to down low of the man standing naked, This then switches to a close up of the mans face. All of a sudden the mans neck jolts/cracks, which causes his to fall to the floor. The camera the switches to a clip of the moon with clouds moving away from it. The camera then focuses back on the man whose whole body is shaking with his head shaking side to side aswell in a rapid/jolting movement. The camera focuses solely on the mans back as his spine pops out in a flowing line upwards. The camera then goes back and forth with the camera angle going from the left to the right side with the same action continuing and repeating. Finally the camera cuts to black and then pans back at daytime to the man now in human form lying on the ground.
The amazing spider-man 2
In this transformation scene, The man shows he's in pain by his neck twitching and veins growing up his neck to his face. He then falls to his knees and he beings ripping his clothes off. The camera begins to circle around him whilst its also looking down on him slightly. Whilst the camera is circling, you can see the veins growing around his body. The lights begin to flash with makes it look very dramatic and jumpy, like there in danger. The rapid camera angles focus on areas such as the face, back and veins. For the back, the back begins to flow like jelly.
Trip to Oxford
Today, I went to the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford. Visiting the museum enabled me to gather a lot of new ideas for my final piece. I got to take a lot of pictures of Minerals, skulls and native american clothing that gave me a lot of information of the wendigos bone structure, the clothing my native american character would wear and how each detail could look, such as the skin.
Skin texture/Mutations
This research is for the skin texture of the Wendigo. I liked the idea of using crystals, minerals and rocks because it would give it a very unique effect and i could change what an original Wendigo should look like into a mutated and unique one to turn it into my own. I also had the idea of adding mutations onto the Wendigo, such as having a crystal growth on an area of the body/skin. It can help me because i will be able to look at a wide variety of different materials to decide what i want to use for my skin texture.
For the animals, i could take specific details from each. such as the shell of a Giant Tortoise to make the skin hard and strong, or the fur of a bear to add the little bits of hair on the Wendigo. This is relevant to my project because there are certain details that on animals that could be linked with the wendigos features, such as, i could use the tortoises shell to show how hard the skin is on the wendigo.
Skull and bones
I took a lot of pictures of Skulls, bones and skeletons to get an idea of what the body parts of the wendigo would look like. This is relevant to my project because i could use the skull and bones to plan out what the structure of my creature could be. This would be beneficial to me because i could use the structure to see how i would have the wendigo look with skins/flesh.
Native American items
I took pictures of a lot of Native American items because the character is From a Native American tribe where the wendigo originated. This can help me because i can use the clothes to create a realistic character.
In today's lesson i created a range of different styled outfits for my character. These are not historically accurate and the same as the native american outfits but, they have hints and certain details that link back to the outfit styles of Native American clothing. I still have not decided what one i will choose for my Character.
In this lesson i created a different range of skin textures using pictures i have taken of minerals, rocks and crystals. I used rocks, crystals and minerals because i thought it was pretty unique and imaginative. It also enabled me to make this creature more like my own adaptation of what the wendigo is like.
This was the final skin texture i experimented with and this is the one i have decided to do for my creatures skin texture because it has a very cool effect to it. and it is very simple to create, as all i have to use is the lasso tool. However it looks very intricate and thats what i like the look of.
Also in today's lesson, i started to create a different range of Native american inspired hairstyles. To improve i should complete a lot more of a variety to help me choose what i will go along with for my character.
In today's lesson i finished off creating a variety of different Native american styled hairstyles. I created a variety because i was unsure in which direction i wanted to go with my characters hairstyle, and creating a variety will allow me to explore different ideas and styles to help me decided what i will go with in the end. I did in the end choose the bottom right hairstyle because for me it looks the most like an Native american hairstyle and i think it would suit my character really well. I also created a range of Silhouettes of the body of the Wendigo. I did this because there a two different ideas of the wendigos appearance, one that looks more like a elongated human and the other that looks like a morphed elk. I still not have decided what i am going to go with for my final creature.
I have now finally started to start the development of my final piece. The first thing i have done is draw the body shape of my character and added the hair onto my character. For the hair i copy and pasted the silhouette of the hairstyle and then used wrap and perspective to make the hair look as realistic as possible on my character, Which i think i have successfully done. I then drawed the outline of the right eye and began using colour. I am creating a swirl looking effect for the eyes as i think it would suit for the eyes really well. I also have created a colour palette from the reference image i am using to creating that kind of effect in the eye. The pen tool in Photoshop also helped to created the swirl effect in the eye. However i dont think i like how this swirl has turned out and i will be trying to do it differently next lesson.
Natural Metamorphis
The butterfly begins as an egg. Once it has has been 1 to 2 weeks, the shell starts to darken. But once the egg becomes transparent, it means the egg is now fully formed. The larva begins to chew through the eggshell. Once the larva is out of the eggshell, It spends most of it time eating, digesting food and growing ( Caterpillars eat a huge quantity of specific leaves ). The larva starts to outgrow its skin by splitting and shedding and then at the end of the larva's growth, it will stop eating and start looking for a place to moult. When the larva moults, it spins in a pad of silk whilst i hangs upside down, making itself immobile. After a while the silk slowly starts to split which starts to reveal the pupa. For the pupa stage, it can take up to 2 weeks to several months. During this stage, the larva tissues begin to completely break down and reorganise. Once this is done, you can see the wings, eyes, tongue, antennae and body segments on the pupal surface. Once it is fully formed, the pupal case splits and the butterfly begins to emerge. The butterfly will first expel it meconium, which is its metabolic waste products. It then expands its shrivelled wings by pumping them full of blood, just before it flies off.
The frog begins as an egg. As it begins to mature, the egg starts splitting into more cells and it begins to take form of a tadpole. After 1 to 3 weeks, the egg is ready to hatch and the tiny tadpoles begin to break free. With tadpoles they start off with rudimentary gills, a mouth and a long tail. For the first 2 weeks the tadpole moves very little, but in the meantime it is absorbing the remaining yolk and it provides the needed nourishment to make it strong enough to swim on its own. As the tadpole grows, it begins to develop hind limbs and the body begins to elongate as it's diet grows more robust ( Shifting to larger plant matter and insects ). Later on in the development, limbs start to grow and the tail begins to shrinks, skin forms over gills as well. At 12 weeks old, tadpoles gills and tails are now fully absorbed into body and then they have finally reached the adult stage.
The Axolotl egg is usually amphibian which comprises embryo and the surrounding layers of jelly ( water and substance that is secreted around egg ). In the second stage, the embryo is prior to hatching. In the third stage, young larva are prior to the growth of limbs. They tend to be transparent for the first few weeks or it is until the skin has thickened and the pigment cells have proliferated over the body. The organs are still quite visible and progress of any of the food in the digestive track is too. After 2 weeks, the larva reaches stage 4, This is where the front legs develop first, and then within a few weeks is followed by the hind legs. At the fifth stage, the Axolotl becomes a miniature and then between the ages of 18 months and 2 years, the Axolotl has now reached its full size.
Appearance of 'The Greys'
- Dark grey skinned
- Completely lack human organs, e.g: Noses/Sexual organs
- Lacking muscular definition
- Visible skeletal structure
- Legs shorter and jointed differently
- Humerus and thighs same length as forearms and shins
- Larger heads than humans
- No hair on body/face
- No noticeable outer Ears/Noses (Small openings/Orifices)
- Very small mouths
- Very large opaque black eyes (No discernible Iris/Pupil)
James Ayers
Most of James Ayers paintings are fictionalised accounts which he makes sure every facet is historically correct. Ayers strives to achieve the utmost honesty and authenticity as it provides a more poignant impression. While observing some of his artwork, i noticed that most of his art pieces have a blurry/blotchy background. The characters appearance is also very detailed and he often has the characters facing to the side or off into the distance.
Salvador Dali
His artwork - Autumnal Cannibalism (1936)
In this image, there seems to be a couple locked up in a cannibalistic embrace, Which comments interpretations of the horror and destruction of war. With the couple that is entangled, you have to look closely to see which arm belongs to who. In the image you can see that one couple has a fork into the others head. Whereas the other one has a spoon dipped into the other couples malleable flesh. The Featureless heads merge together in this painting which makes there individuality becoming indistinguishable. There are also pieces of meat draped across the painting which symbolises death. The meat also alludes to the temporary nature of life and the bestial nature of human beings. There is an apple of one of the couples heads. This represents the struggle between farther and son (The son being the apple and the farther being William Tell). Beneath the figures is a peeled apple, which symbolises the destruction of the son.
Hieronymus Bosch
Anonymous artwork - Christ in Limbo (1550-75)
The meaning of the name Christ in Limbo means the edge of hell, The non-scriptural idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the hell of the damned.
Bosch frequently painted creatures that were half human and half animal.
Even by today's standards, many of Bosch's paintings would be considered shocking, if not vulgar. He also included nudity and graphic images of sexual degradation. Bosch was fearless in in his art.
Bosch depicted a sinking world in this piece. As you can see, soldiers can be seen engaged in combat, Whilst creatures chase humans in to the void. As the mouth of hell is open to engulf everything in the painting.
In this piece a woman can be seen being approached by a sinister creature as she sleeps in her bed. the central image is a bowl of human being cooked alive, as demons lurk around the perimeter of the painting
In this image a battle is being depicted. Among the dead are demons and skeletons, whilst some of the corpses are being eaten.
Bosch usually painted in a comparatively sketchy manor. Achieved by the application of multiple transparent glazes. This helps to conceal the brushwork. As Bosch's career progressed, He seemed to take on more of a dim view of humanity. This is shown in most of his paintings as they have a cynical view in nature with a pessimistic view of mankind. This showed how Bosch was a master of conveying human character simply in the way he painted facial features and expressions.
Salvador Dali
His artwork - Autumnal Cannibalism (1936)
In this image, there seems to be a couple locked up in a cannibalistic embrace, Which comments interpretations of the horror and destruction of war. With the couple that is entangled, you have to look closely to see which arm belongs to who. In the image you can see that one couple has a fork into the others head. Whereas the other one has a spoon dipped into the other couples malleable flesh. The Featureless heads merge together in this painting which makes there individuality becoming indistinguishable. There are also pieces of meat draped across the painting which symbolises death. The meat also alludes to the temporary nature of life and the bestial nature of human beings. There is an apple of one of the couples heads. This represents the struggle between farther and son (The son being the apple and the farther being William Tell). Beneath the figures is a peeled apple, which symbolises the destruction of the son.
His artwork - Saturn devouring his son (1823)
In this image, it depicts the Greek myth of the titan Cronus, who, fearing he would be overthrown by one of his children, decided to eat each one of them moments after they were born. The light that comes from the top left of this image helped to create the sense of a nightmare. Then the shadowed body of the titan contrasts with the pale corpse in his hands. This painting is not entirely correct with the Greek myth because the severed body is in fact the body of an adult instead of a child. Also, Cronus inst so giant either. The body helps to add an unsuspected does of anguish as the thoughts of the body parts being eaten and chewing and dismembering to come. The titans strong squeeze around the body shows some blood between the fingers as if it was a spasm of despair.
Anonymous artwork - Christ in Limbo (1550-75)
The meaning of the name Christ in Limbo means the edge of hell, The non-scriptural idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the hell of the damned.
Bosch frequently painted creatures that were half human and half animal.
Bosch Often painted the seven deadly sins. As we can see here, there are people are seated at a table waiting to be served but instead they are about to be eaten, As a demon sits at their feet.
Bosch frequently juxtaposed images of heaven with images of hell. For example, there are harps next to swords, Comfort next to discomfort, Good and bad. Just like in most of Bosch's paintings, there are multiple depictions of people being consumed.
Bosch depicted a sinking world in this piece. As you can see, soldiers can be seen engaged in combat, Whilst creatures chase humans in to the void. As the mouth of hell is open to engulf everything in the painting.
In this piece a woman can be seen being approached by a sinister creature as she sleeps in her bed. the central image is a bowl of human being cooked alive, as demons lurk around the perimeter of the painting
In this image a battle is being depicted. Among the dead are demons and skeletons, whilst some of the corpses are being eaten.
Bosch usually painted in a comparatively sketchy manor. Achieved by the application of multiple transparent glazes. This helps to conceal the brushwork. As Bosch's career progressed, He seemed to take on more of a dim view of humanity. This is shown in most of his paintings as they have a cynical view in nature with a pessimistic view of mankind. This showed how Bosch was a master of conveying human character simply in the way he painted facial features and expressions.
Famous Cannibals
Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter is a character in a series of suspense novels by Thomas Harris.
Red Dragon - 1981
In the novel Red Dragon, Lecter is interviewed by will about his patient who was killed (However, they believe that Lecter is the culprit). During the Interview, Lecter creeps up on Will when he is not looking and slashes him, nearly disembowelling him. Will survives but he is severely traumatised and decides to go into an early retirement. After this Lecter is charged with 9 murders but is found not guilty by reason of insanity and instead the decided to institutionalise him. Years later, Will comes out of retirement and consults Lecter again to find another serial killer. After he is interrogated, Lecter calls the other serial killer, Known as ' the tooth fairy ', and tells him Wills address. The tooth fairy goes to Wills house and he Disfigures will and attempts to kill his family.
The Silence of the Lambs - 1988
In the novel Silence of the Lambs, Lecter assists a training FBI in catching a serial killer, Lecter is fascinated by her and agrees to give her information on this serial killer, if she talks about her unhappy childhood. This helps them to create an unusual relationship.
Character Overview
In the film Red Dragon, Lecter does not fit any psychological profile.This contrasts to his character in the film Silence of the Lambs because they say he is just a pure sociopath. Also in Red Dragon, They claim Lecter has no conscience as he use to torture animals as a child. However he did not exhibit any other psychopathy criteria but they referred to him as a sociopath as they did not know what else to call him. This is also the same in the film, the Silence of the Lambs. Also in the silence of the Lambs, they claim that the only thing that Lecter fears is boredom. In all of the media that Lecter appears in, they portray him as intellectually brilliant, cultured and sophisticated. He also had refined tastes in art, music and cuisine. This is shown when Lecter is frequently depicted of making gourmet meals from his victims flesh. Lecter was well educated in topics such as Anatomy, chemistry and physics. Lecter was also able to speak several languages such as, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, French, Spanish and some Japanese to an extent. Lecter was deeply offended by rudeness which is why he frequently kills people with bad manners. Lecters pathology was explored in greater detail in the films Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. The show how he was traumatised as a child n Lithuania in 1914. This was because he witnessed the the murder and cannibalism of his sister, The people that ate his sister also made him unwillingly eat his sister too. In the Silence of the Lambs, They describe Lecter as ' small, sleek and in his hands and arms she saw wiry strength '. They also mention that Lecter had mid ray duplication pterodactyl, which is an extra middle finger on his left hand. It shows that in Hannibal, he would preform his own plastic surgery on his own face several times and he also removed his own extra digit. Lecter also had a keen sense of smell, This is shown in the silence of the lambs as he is able to identify the brand of perfume worn through a Plexiglas that has small holes in it. He also has an eidetic memory, which he constructed in his mind as an elaborate 'memory place'. This helps him re live his memories and sensations in rich detail.
Harris, the writer of the novels, revealed that Hannibal was inspired by a real-life doctor and murder. He met him in a Mexico prison in the 1960's and discovered that he was serving a life sentence for murdering a young man, mutilating his body into several little pieces and putting them into a very small box. Harris described him as a small lithe pale man with dark red hair, he would only refer to him by his fake name as well which is Dr. Salazar.
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd was born in the slums of East London in the mid 18th century. He was an orphan at 12 and a felon at 14. He was then sentenced to 5 years in prison for theft. During his 5 years in prison, he was able to pick up on the trade from a prison barber. This is what allowed him to set up his own barber shop once he got out. Todd's first victim was 1785 when he killed a man after an argument down the side of his shop. It was after this act of violence that Todd went on a murderous campaign. In his barber shop, Todd installed a customised chair that enabled him to tip his customers head first through a trapdoor that led into the cellar. Since Todd had this customised chair, it allowed him to cut his victims throats to kill them. He would then pass on there flesh, heart, liver and kidneys onto his neighbour who would make pies from this. Her name was Mrs Lovett. During his 17 year campaign, Todd dispatched 160 in this manner. However in 1801, The pair was arrested after a number of sailors was reported missing. Mrs Lovett committed suicide after confessing to her part in the campaign. Whereas Todd was hung a year later after he was arrested. As time progressed, Todd grew more confident and audacious, His lust for blood proves his undoing. Even though several articles assure Todd did exist, There was no historical figure by that name and there was no barber named that.
Sweeney Todd is believed to be a story of revenge and how it consumes a vengeful person and how it is also really about obsession. The musical avoids the simplistic view of devilish crimes during the mid 18th century. It instead examines in depth the characters emotionally and psychologically. It also tries to show Todd as a victim as well as a perpetrator in the ' great black pit ' of humanity, which is referenced to in the movie. The musical is believed to be allegorical of capitalism and it's selfish qualities around it. The Industrial Revolution suited the movie really well as it helped to highlight its dehumanising characteristic of mass production and consumption. It also creates interpretations of a dis-empowering view of human nature. The audience of the musical explained the ' social guilty ' sensationalism. It also shows how ' desire deep down in every man's heart ' to delve into the darker side of ourselves.
Until Dawn - The Wendigo
The Wendigo legends originated from the first nation tribes between 1400s - 1850s. The Cree deeply respected the mountains and its nature. However there were European explorers and mining concerns started to mine the mountain in 1893 and they started to mine deeper into the sacred mountain. The Cree claims that when the Europeans mined deeper, the mountain cried out and it released the spirits of the Wendigo. Many people were possessed by the curse since then according to the events of the past. For example, some was haunted by the stronger grandfathers, This included the makkapitew. Awareness of the mountains rich reserves became widespread and it led to the blasting crew coming to mine the mountain again in 1951-52. This resulted in a mining disaster which awoke the curse once again. Dozens of men were murdered by this disaster and the survivors cannibalised the dozens of men who died and then they turned into the Wendigo.
The mine opened and the Cree warned the miners that they has released the Wendigo spirit and it caused the land to be cursed and the people who lived there to be cursed too.
A structural failure occurred causing 30 miners to be trapped in the mountain but by the time the rescue team got to them there was only 12 survivors. The other miners that were still apparently missing were hidden in the archives, but it is also apparently clear that the survivors resorted to cannibalism to survive. The survivors were sent to a sanatorium as they started to show unusual physiological characteristics but the sanatorium was just used as a cover up to study them. The miners were observed and experimented on as they started to turn into the Wendigo.
The Wendigo were shown as quite hideous in there appearance. They showed signs of spinal dis-figuration which gave them the hunchback kind of look. There teeth became sharper and there vision changed so they could only see movement. The growth of there limbs gave them the ability to climb up walls and to make much swifter jumps that could be made in the blink of an eye. There skin is now also tightly wrapped around there frame and the skin became like glossy stretched armour. During the transformation into a Wendigo, the body puts them through different forms of skin torture, such as sweating acid to strengthen there outer skin. This process causes the Wendigo to become pretty much immune to almost all danger. However, there only weakness is fire because it burns off the outer layer of skin which causes extreme pain and vulnerability to other threats. Eventually they lose all of there and all there female and male characteristics as they become skeletal looking.
Wendigo's are known to have set behaviour patterns. They will usually track there pray for several hours and they prefer to hunt alone instead of in packs, this also helps indicate how strong there predatory skills are. They also dont seem to lose all of there humanity because they still use human like tricks to lure prey. Wendigos can only see see movement and when they do see movement it will be highlighted in there vision. The Wendigo also use screeching as a way to get there prey to move but also to communicate. Wendigos may attack each other too so they have less competition. Even though the Wendigo look frail, there are extremely strong and can crush a human skull with there bare hands. They seem to prefer the most brutal way of killing there preying showing that they are sadistic creatures.
Native American Beliefs on the Wendigo
The Wendigo is a creature found in the legends of the Native Americans, most notably in among the Algonquian people. Roughly translated the word Wendigo means The evil spirit that devours mankind. Another translation was made by a German explorer that said it equates to the word cannibal. The Wendigo will eat human flesh no matter how much they eat and they will still remain hungry anyway. There hunger in reflected in there appearance. There is another version of the story of the Wendigo which states that it was once a warrior who made a deal with the devil in order to save his tribe. He gave up his soul and this caused him to transform into the Wendigo. When there was peace the Wendigo was banished and forced to live as an outsider. Some believe that the person inside is frozen and the only way to kill the Wendigo is to kill the human within it as well. A few Legends state that the frozen person can be successfully rescued from inside. Between the late 1800s and the 1920s, A Wendigo appeared in a town called Roseau in northern Minnesota. Apparently after each Wendigo was spotted, A death was followed by it. Amongst the Cree was a traditional dance called the 'Withtikokansimoowin' or 'Wendigo-like dance'. This portrayed the Wendigo satirically by the dancers and Even some Native Americans became Wendigo hunters.

Harris, the writer of the novels, revealed that Hannibal was inspired by a real-life doctor and murder. He met him in a Mexico prison in the 1960's and discovered that he was serving a life sentence for murdering a young man, mutilating his body into several little pieces and putting them into a very small box. Harris described him as a small lithe pale man with dark red hair, he would only refer to him by his fake name as well which is Dr. Salazar.
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd was born in the slums of East London in the mid 18th century. He was an orphan at 12 and a felon at 14. He was then sentenced to 5 years in prison for theft. During his 5 years in prison, he was able to pick up on the trade from a prison barber. This is what allowed him to set up his own barber shop once he got out. Todd's first victim was 1785 when he killed a man after an argument down the side of his shop. It was after this act of violence that Todd went on a murderous campaign. In his barber shop, Todd installed a customised chair that enabled him to tip his customers head first through a trapdoor that led into the cellar. Since Todd had this customised chair, it allowed him to cut his victims throats to kill them. He would then pass on there flesh, heart, liver and kidneys onto his neighbour who would make pies from this. Her name was Mrs Lovett. During his 17 year campaign, Todd dispatched 160 in this manner. However in 1801, The pair was arrested after a number of sailors was reported missing. Mrs Lovett committed suicide after confessing to her part in the campaign. Whereas Todd was hung a year later after he was arrested. As time progressed, Todd grew more confident and audacious, His lust for blood proves his undoing. Even though several articles assure Todd did exist, There was no historical figure by that name and there was no barber named that.
Sweeney Todd is believed to be a story of revenge and how it consumes a vengeful person and how it is also really about obsession. The musical avoids the simplistic view of devilish crimes during the mid 18th century. It instead examines in depth the characters emotionally and psychologically. It also tries to show Todd as a victim as well as a perpetrator in the ' great black pit ' of humanity, which is referenced to in the movie. The musical is believed to be allegorical of capitalism and it's selfish qualities around it. The Industrial Revolution suited the movie really well as it helped to highlight its dehumanising characteristic of mass production and consumption. It also creates interpretations of a dis-empowering view of human nature. The audience of the musical explained the ' social guilty ' sensationalism. It also shows how ' desire deep down in every man's heart ' to delve into the darker side of ourselves.
Until Dawn - The Wendigo
The Wendigo legends originated from the first nation tribes between 1400s - 1850s. The Cree deeply respected the mountains and its nature. However there were European explorers and mining concerns started to mine the mountain in 1893 and they started to mine deeper into the sacred mountain. The Cree claims that when the Europeans mined deeper, the mountain cried out and it released the spirits of the Wendigo. Many people were possessed by the curse since then according to the events of the past. For example, some was haunted by the stronger grandfathers, This included the makkapitew. Awareness of the mountains rich reserves became widespread and it led to the blasting crew coming to mine the mountain again in 1951-52. This resulted in a mining disaster which awoke the curse once again. Dozens of men were murdered by this disaster and the survivors cannibalised the dozens of men who died and then they turned into the Wendigo.
The mine opened and the Cree warned the miners that they has released the Wendigo spirit and it caused the land to be cursed and the people who lived there to be cursed too.
A structural failure occurred causing 30 miners to be trapped in the mountain but by the time the rescue team got to them there was only 12 survivors. The other miners that were still apparently missing were hidden in the archives, but it is also apparently clear that the survivors resorted to cannibalism to survive. The survivors were sent to a sanatorium as they started to show unusual physiological characteristics but the sanatorium was just used as a cover up to study them. The miners were observed and experimented on as they started to turn into the Wendigo.
The Wendigo were shown as quite hideous in there appearance. They showed signs of spinal dis-figuration which gave them the hunchback kind of look. There teeth became sharper and there vision changed so they could only see movement. The growth of there limbs gave them the ability to climb up walls and to make much swifter jumps that could be made in the blink of an eye. There skin is now also tightly wrapped around there frame and the skin became like glossy stretched armour. During the transformation into a Wendigo, the body puts them through different forms of skin torture, such as sweating acid to strengthen there outer skin. This process causes the Wendigo to become pretty much immune to almost all danger. However, there only weakness is fire because it burns off the outer layer of skin which causes extreme pain and vulnerability to other threats. Eventually they lose all of there and all there female and male characteristics as they become skeletal looking.
Wendigo's are known to have set behaviour patterns. They will usually track there pray for several hours and they prefer to hunt alone instead of in packs, this also helps indicate how strong there predatory skills are. They also dont seem to lose all of there humanity because they still use human like tricks to lure prey. Wendigos can only see see movement and when they do see movement it will be highlighted in there vision. The Wendigo also use screeching as a way to get there prey to move but also to communicate. Wendigos may attack each other too so they have less competition. Even though the Wendigo look frail, there are extremely strong and can crush a human skull with there bare hands. They seem to prefer the most brutal way of killing there preying showing that they are sadistic creatures.
Native American Beliefs on the Wendigo
The Wendigo is a creature found in the legends of the Native Americans, most notably in among the Algonquian people. Roughly translated the word Wendigo means The evil spirit that devours mankind. Another translation was made by a German explorer that said it equates to the word cannibal. The Wendigo will eat human flesh no matter how much they eat and they will still remain hungry anyway. There hunger in reflected in there appearance. There is another version of the story of the Wendigo which states that it was once a warrior who made a deal with the devil in order to save his tribe. He gave up his soul and this caused him to transform into the Wendigo. When there was peace the Wendigo was banished and forced to live as an outsider. Some believe that the person inside is frozen and the only way to kill the Wendigo is to kill the human within it as well. A few Legends state that the frozen person can be successfully rescued from inside. Between the late 1800s and the 1920s, A Wendigo appeared in a town called Roseau in northern Minnesota. Apparently after each Wendigo was spotted, A death was followed by it. Amongst the Cree was a traditional dance called the 'Withtikokansimoowin' or 'Wendigo-like dance'. This portrayed the Wendigo satirically by the dancers and Even some Native Americans became Wendigo hunters.
FMP Development
In this lesson i have redesigned the swirl in the pupil of the eye and i have changed the colours I've used which i think looks much better as it helps the swirl to stand out more, Especially with how i have added depth and how i have tried to add highlights and the glossy effect on the eyes. To achieve this look i created an artist interpretation of the image above my sketch. This is from an Anime called Violet Evergarden an i really like how my interpretation came out as it is totally how i imagined it to be. The tools i used was the pen tool which is in Photoshop. i used this to help create the swirl in the eye. In this lesson i have used colour to helped give the eye depth and i have used proportion to get the accurate size of the eye shape. Using this technique helped with my work because the swirl goes against the normal eye but with the proportions and the colours very accurate, it helps balance out all of what is not normal for this piece. Today's lesson was different to last lesson because i focused on getting all of my researched added onto my blog instead of doing any practical work.
FMP Development
In today's lesson i have added all the colour to the eye with all the little details, shadowing and highlighting. I also added the detail of all the eyelashes and i drawed them all on individually. However i did come across a problem with the eye details and the eyelashes so i had to re do those and i think they look much better now. I used the pen tool to go around the outline on the eye and i went around the pupil as well so i didn't draw on the pupil and drawed on the inside of the eye instead. This lesson was different to last lesson because i put all my focus on the practical work instead of doing any research.
FMP Development

In today's lesson i finished adding all the shading and highlights to my characters outfit and to her face to create depth. I also started my Wendigo and finished the whole creature in this lesson. I did have some problems as i couldn't get the skin texture skin texture right at first so i had to redo that but i got it right on the second attempt and i was able to add all the facial features with all the right shading and highlighting. In this lesson i used the warp tool and the perspective tool a lot to get the right look for the skin texture and i also used a low opacity and flow when adding the shadows and highlighting to the eyes and teeth as it helped make it look more realistic.
My project was about a Native American girl in 1815 who gave
into evil spirits who convinced her to resort to cannibalism (she killed and
ate her husbands flesh), which then caused her to transform into a Wendigo. For
this project I created what the Native American woman would like and what her
transformation of the Wendigo would look like. I was influenced by many things
for this project, at first the book Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde interested me because
I liked the context behind the book and what the books is trying to represent.
This then led me to look at the process of transformation with such things as,
a caterpillar into a butterfly, a man into a werewolf and the transformation of
the Hulk. The transformation idea that intrigued me the most was the Wendigo. I
thought of the Wendigo transformation because of the game until dawn because it
is a game I have played before and it was one that I really enjoyed. The art
styles that influenced me a lot was expressionism and surrealism because the
dark themes they conveyed inspired me and helped me come up with ideas for my
work. During my research phase of the project I did a lot of research on
artists such as Hieronymus Bosch, James Ayers and Salvador Dali. James Ayers
artwork was very beneficial to me because he paints a lot of fictionalized
accounts of Native Americans. He also made sure facet of his work was
historically correct so that helped me with the creation of my Native American
character. Hieronymus Bosch’s work also helped because he use to use a lot of
dark themes in his work too and he would put good next to evil which was
essentially what I was doing too. The only issues I had with my influences is
that I could not find any artist who did anything on the Wendigo, so I had to
base my idea of the game and for the Native American character, I struggled to
find the correct skin tone for her because I could find the correct colour
pallet from the images I had found. For this project I needed to do research on
Native Americans, Until dawn, The Wendigo for Native Americans, Artists who did
dark themes and Stuff on Native Americans, The process of transformation and
examples of cannibals such as Sweeney Todd or Hannibal Lecter. For my Primary
research I went to a museum in Oxford. Whilst I was there I took a lot of
pictures of Minerals, rocks, crystals, animal and dinosaur bones, Native
American charms and clothing and animals. For my secondary research I did
research on the greys because they had elongated bodies like a Wendigo, The
Wendigo in until dawn, Native American history on the Wendigo’s, Famous
cannibals, Natural metamorphism, Artists who did cannibalistic, dark or work on
Native American’s and famous transformation scenes. The materials I used for
this project was the texture I used for my experiments of the minerals as I was
creating stuff like obsidian and the paua shell. The technique I needed to
create these textures was perspective. I needed to use perspective to make the
skin textures look realistic and give it a really cool effect. The software I
used for this project was Photoshop. I used a variety of tools and techniques,
such as, using a hard rounded brush and several soft rounded brushes at
different opacities to creating shading on my character and creating, to also
help give it perspective and depth. I also used the pen tool to create a swirl
effect for the eye and I also used this so I could focus on a certain area
without going out of the lines.
I focused on artists such as Salvador Dali, James Ayers and
Hieronymus Bosch Who all have art styles of either expressionism or surrealism.
With Bosch and Dali, they both created pieces on ideas that people believed
like Greek myths or Heaven and Hell. However Hieronymus Bosch’s work is very
cramped with a lot of things happening all over the page which gives you multiple
things to focus on, But with Salvador Dali’s work, it is very plain and usually
just focuses on one thing but his pieces always have a meaning behind them with
thing going on in the world. Whereas Bosch’s work focuses on things that are
beyond normal events. The art style surrealism is different to expressionism
because it is an artistic movement that aims for the liberation of the mind by
emphasising the critical and imaginative powers of the subconscious whereas
expressionism is a movement where the artist did not depict objective reality,
but rather a subjective expression of their inner experiences. I was influenced
more by Hieronymus Bosch’s work because his work seemed to fit with the idea of
mine and his one piece of artwork is similar to mine as he has a half human,
half animal, which essentially is what my project is. Also his work has a lot
of dark themes and my piece has a pretty dark backstory. From Hieronymus Bosch
I learned that you don’t need to use a range a colours to create a good piece
of artwork as a limited pallet is easier to work with because you don’t get
confused with a whole bunch of colours. Also that putting good and evil next to
each other works well together. For materials I used a lot of pictures that I
found and also took pictures of to create textures for skin, the body structure
of the Wendigo and the clothing for my character and the colours which would be
much more suitable for what I’m going to create. I also did a lot of
sketches/experiments to help me decide on what I was going to choose to draw
for my final piece. I did this because I wasn’t entirely sure the route I
wanted to go for my piece and because I wanted to explore all my options before
I jumped straight into it in case I saw something else that I liked the look of
and changed my mind last minute of what I wanted to do. They were very effective
for my final piece because It really helped with my decision making process and
the sketches also helped me to eliminate the ideas that I wasn’t too keen on.
The pictures were also very effective as they helped me with my final piece because
it gave me inspiration for what I wanted to create for my character and creature
and helped me with how my colour pallet looked. The tools were appropriate for
my final piece because the photos were mostly images I had taken at a museum
that I visited and they were all related to one area of my work. For example, I
took a lot of pictures of animal skeletons and dinosaur skeletons as they would
help me with the body shape I wanted to go for, for my Wendigo. I had a few
problems along the way when I was doing sketches and experiments as when I did
some of the drawings, I did not draw them so they was facing forward, so when
it came to adding all of my chosen sketches together for my final piece, I struggled
to get all the angles and perspectives correct. To fix this I tried using other
fitting other sketches together that I also liked to see how compatible they
was together and to see if it was possible to warp or change the perspective to
achieve the look I was going for, for both my character and creature. I also
experimented with the skin texture of Wendigo. I did this by using the warp
tool to achieve the look I wanted, I wanted it to seem as realistic as possible
and that the skin was actually wrapping around all the different angles of the
body instead of it just looking like I simply just placed it there. I did two
versions of how I wanted my skin to look and I decided to go for the look where
the lines on the skin looked slimmer and curvier instead of larger and slightly
curvy. For my project I used Photoshop. This was super effective for my final
piece because I had all the tools I needed and I was able to use a wide variety
of techniques as well. This helped me a lot when It came to my experiments
because I used such tools as the pen tool to create the swirl in the pupil of
the eye, I also used the warp tool and perspective tool a lot to achieve the
way I wanted the hair and the skin texture to look. This was appropriate for my
project as it helped me to explore the way I wanted my character and my creature
to look. This is because I was able to experiment with all parts of my
character and creature, so even if I did not draw it the way I wanted it to, I could
always use the warp and perspective tool to try and correct it. There were a
few problems I experienced while using these tools. For example, when using the
pen tool for my work it was super effective in creating the look I wanted,
however actually getting the swirl the way I wanted was super difficult cause I
would either draw one like too short or too long and I would only realise after
I was finished with the pen tool so I would have to restart all over again. To
fix this I decided to roughly draw the outline first and then use the pen tool
afterwards to follow the outline and this helped to get my work perfected. To understand
this project I had to do research on Native Americans and the belief they had
about the Wendigo, I also needed research on famous cannibals to see what there
characteristics were like and their motives behind what they did. Finally I needed
in depth research about the game Until Dawn because that is where I got my inspiration
for the Wendigo Transformation and I needed research on artists whose work was
similar to what I was creating. For Primary research I took a lot of pictures
from a museum that contained a variety of useful items. Such as, minerals, Skeleton
structures, Native American clothing/objects/charms and animals. From all of
these pictures I was able to do experiments on how I wanted the Wendigo’s body,
head and skin texture to look and also how I wanted the characters clothing,
hair and accessories to look. These were extremely useful in my decision making
process because it helped me to pick out the ideas that interested me and
whilst I was at the museum look at all of these items, my imagination peaked
and I came up with a wide variety of ideas that I liked the sound of and I used
they ideas during my experiments. For my secondary research, I used YouTube
videos about the making of the until dawn Wendigo, Pictures on Pinterest that
inspired my work and that I used for artist interpretations and I used art
station and looked at a lot of 2D drawings and 3D models to also inspire my
work. These were extremely useful to my work as well as I was able to create interpretations
of these ideas and images to turn it into my own and it helped me to further
expand my imagination/ideas and from also using this secondary research I was
able to discover new techniques I could use for my final piece. I was able to
complete everything I was set out to do for my project proposal however I was
not able to reach my wish list because I under estimated how much time I really
had to complete my final piece.
thing I do not like about my work is that I was not able to create a background
for my character and creature and I was not able to get my work to the standard
I actually wanted. I do not like these things about my work because they
background would have given the piece a very dramatic look but instead It looks
very plain and also the character jumps from being normal to being a Wendigo which
to me does not look very good. To develop this further I should have created
what my character looked like halfway through the process of transforming into
a Wendigo because it would have linked my character and creature together. I
would have done this by taking my character and slightly elongating the body,
having her clothing starting to tear and also having discolouration in the
face, slight hair loss and bruising and scratches all over her face and body.
The things I do like about my work are the way the skin texture on the Wendigo
turned out, the way the teeth and the mouth fit perfectly on the face and the
colour/shading on the teeth make the teeth look pretty realistic. For my
character I really like how the clothes and the hair turned out as it fits the
style of a Native American woman and the shading on the clothing makes the
clothes look pretty realistic too. To develop my work further I could of added
depth onto my Character hair and I could have made the shoes fit the character
better and look a bit more realistic too. I could have done this for the hair by
adding a very dark brown as a base layer and then using a different adding
lighter brown highlights and strands. Also by adding baby hairs or hairs
sticking out to make it seem more flowy instead of stiff and still. To make the
shoes fit better and look more realistic I could have made it look like the
shoes were wrapping around the leg instead of it looking like I just placed the
shoes over the top of the leg. I could have also added more depth into the
shoes by adding shading and highlights. To make the whole creative process
easier I could have wrote down all the ideas I had during my research phase so I
didn’t forget anything and so I could keep track on the ideas I came up with.
Also, to make the process easier I could have focused on the ideas that
interested me the most instead of trying of trying to make sure I fit all my
ideas on. Next time I will focus more time on actually creating my final piece because
I only spent a few weeks on creating how it would finally look so I felt like I
rushed the whole end of the process instead of taking my time to make sure I got
all the detail right or correct in some way. The things I could develop further
is the small details on my character. For example, adding freckles or birthmarks
of my characters face or body. I would have done this using inspiration from my
own birth marks and freckles and then adapting them so they suited my character
well. It would help me to show how they sit on the skin and the colour of them
and where I can add the depth to them. I believe I did enough research for my
project because I made sure to cover all areas. There is evidence of this on my
blog as I have done research on the game Until Dawn, the Native Americans beliefs
on the Wendigo’s, Famous cannibals, artists whose work is similar to what I want
to create, etc. I do think I managed my time well enough but I think I could I of
kept up to date with the tasks I set my self each day and I also think I should
have set more realistic tasks with the time I knew I had. There is evidence of
this on my blog as I did a plan of what I was going to do every lesson so I knew
what goals I wanted to achieve in each lesson and I also created a plan in my
project proposal of what I was going to do over the whole duration of this FMP.
I believe I did plenty of experiments for the things I needed. There is
evidence of this on my blog as I have posted all of the experiments I have done
for certain areas of my work, such as experiments of different head shapes and
for the Wendigo and different outfit and hair options for my character.
Stevenson, R. (1886) Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, London:
Longmans, Green & Co.
Oxenfree (2016) Night School Studio. [PC, Xbox One, PS4,
Nintendo Switch, Android, IOS] California: Night School Studio
An American Werewolf
in London, 1981. California: Universal Pictures
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1941. California:
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1938. New York City: RKO
Radio Pictures
Deadpool, 2016. California: 20th Century Fox
Starman, 1984. California: Columbia Pictures
Being Human, Episode 6, Where The wild things are. 2009. BBC
Three. 22 February, 22.00.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2, 2014. California: Sony Pictures
Until Dawn (2015) Supermassive Games. [PS4] California: Sony
Interactive Entertainment
Wolfenstein 2 (2017) MachineGames [Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox
One, PC] Maryland: Bethesda Softworks
Little Nightmares (2017) Tarsier Studios [PS4, Nintendo
Switch, Xbox One, PC] Tokyo: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Dark Souls (2011) FromSoftware [PS3, Xbox 360, PC, PS4, Xbox
One, Nintendo Switch] Tokyo: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Dark Souls 2 (2014) FromSoftware [PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox
360, PC] Tokyo: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Dark Souls 3 (2016) FromSoftware [PS4, Xbox One, PC] Tokyo:
Bandai Namco Entertainment
Outlast (2013) Red Barrels [PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One,
PC] Canada: Red Barrels Outlast 2 (2017) Red Barrels [PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch,
PC] Canada: Red Barrels
Death Stranding (TBA) Kojima Productions [PS4] Tokyo: Sony
Interactive Entertainment
The Last of US (2013) Naughty Dog [PS3, PS4] California: Sony
Interactive Entertainment
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Attack on Titan, Episode 1, To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall
of Shiganshina, Part 1. 2013. MBS. 7 April, 18.00
Tokyo Ghoul, Episode 1, Tragedy. 2014. Tokyo MX. 26 March,
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Episode 1, Frightened Corpse.
2016. Fuji TV. 8 April, 18.00
Elfen Lied, Episode 1, Encounter. 2004. AT-X. 25 July, 18.00
Ito Junji: Collection, Episode 4, Collection No. 034: Shiver
/ Collection No. 060: House of Puppets. 2018. WOWOW. 26 January, 18.00
Violet Evergarden, Episode 1, ‘I Love You’ and Auto Memoir
Doll. 2018. Tokyo MX. 11 January, 18.00
Ajin, Episode 2, Why Is This Happening to Me? I Didn’t Do
Anything Wrong!. 2016. MBS. 23 January, 18.00
Parasyte -the maxim-, Episode 1, Metamorphosis. 2014. NTV. 9
October, 18.00
iZombie, Episode 2, Zombie Bro. 2015. The CW. 13 October,
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, 2007.
California: Warner Bros
Red Dragon, 2002. California: Universal Pictures
The Silence of the Lambs, 1991. California: Orion Pictures
Hannibal Rising, 2007, New York: The Weinstein Company
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